Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How games affect the forms and functions of architectures.

-         Why games?
Games nowadays have getting more and more popular. As more and more game console appear on the market. Such as, playstation, computer, x-box and etc and furthermore people playing apps games on their smartphone or tabs are getting popular too.

-         How games show the architecture
Games nowadays have greater and better graphics with the help of the software which make the designers able to create more realistic and creative form of environment and architecture.

-         How player interact with the space
Players have the first player view to directly feel and experience the spaces directly by running around through the interior and exterior spaces. Games such as ‘Sims’ able let player to create their own desire spaces, and tryout different design and space planning at anytime. This help gain the interest of players towards architecture. Besides that, games have to solve to move onwards to another spaces help to give inspiration for designer to think of better design or function for a room and to avoid unnecessary obstacle and etc.

-         Function from  games
From the Games, they show how architecture Function in the environment.  Can show the architecture serve the purpose for shelter and also beautify the surrounding and serve as partition, online game serve location for gathering and meeting.

-         Material
The used of Material in the game often show different feeling and view towards the architecture. Game create huge architecture by using simple material which can be studied by designer to see whether it really works or can have any other materials to replace it.

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